Raja Ram Mohan Roy (22 may 1772 - 27 September 1833)

Born : 22 May 1772

Died : 27 September 1833

Spouse : Devi Uma (m.? - 1833) 

Organizations founded : Brahmo Samaj, Presidency University, Atmiya Sabha more.. 

Parents : Ramakanto Roy, Tarinidevi

     Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the social -religious reformer, educational, public administrator. He was one of the founder of the Brahmo Sabha and Braht Samajh. The king of Delhi Akbar ll granted him the title of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. 
         Raja ram Mohan Roy was born on 22 may 1772 . Her father Ramkanto Roy was a great scholar of Sanskrit, Perian and also knew many languages. Roy's early education, one state that the process began in the village school where he picked up Bengali and Sanskrit. He studied to Madras, Patna, Kashi (Banaras). Ram Mohan Roy also studied Vedas and the Upanishads. Ram was knew many languages like persian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, English. 
            Roy had hosted a party in Kolkata upon hearing of Neapolitan rebels wrestling control from Austrian rule. He was against press censorship, also protesting against the East India Company's   juries bill in 1826 (which came into effect in 1827), which unjustly precluded the recruitment of Indian jurors when trying European offenders. In 1809,he petitioned the than Governor General of India for redressal against a high-ranking British official, Sir Frederick Hamilton, who had subjected him to indignity using a racial slur. 
    Roy was a fearless and self respecting man, but he had greater respect for women. He also advocated for a woman's share in ancestral property. He t, perhaps the first feminist in India. This was subsequent bolstered by his copious reading of monistic Vedanta and his larer interest in world historical events. 
         Raja ram Mohan Roy up the Brahmo samaj,  a reforming movement of the Hindu religion that aimed at fighting social evils that were prevalent in the society. He opposed superstitious practices, custom such as Sati Prtha, polygamy, child marriage the rigidity of the caste system and its excesses and sought property inheritance rights for woman. As a result of his hard work in fighting Sati prtha, governor of the Bengal president, Lard William Bentinck, formally banned the practice on December 4 in the year 1829.
    Raja ram regarded education as an effective vechile to achieve social reform, was a strong advanced of introducing western learning in India. He was setting up many college. 
      Roy started the first Bengali languages weekly newspaper. His newspaper "sambandh kounmudi" helped people form an opinion, aimed at educating Indians on a wide range of issues. 
He set up the Vedan college to spread his teaching of Hindu monotheism. He promoted the pure ethical Vedant school of philosophy. 
       Gopal Krishna Gokhale called Roy the "Father of Morden India".he was a nonconformist to regressive traditions. 


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