Rabindranath Tegore(7 May 1861 - 7 August 1941)
Born : 7 may 1862 kolkata
Died : 7 August 1941, kolkata
Artworks : Dancing, Woman, Head study (Geometric), Woman's face, Dancing girl
On view : National Gallery of Mordern Art
Poem : Gitanjali, chitto jetha Bhayshunyo
Birpursh, Dui Bigha jomi, Vocation
Notable awards : Nobel Prize in Literature
Rabindranath Tegore was the best know as a poet, short story writer, song composer, essayist and painter. Rabindranath Tagore was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore.
Rabindranath Tegore was best known as a poet but he was a man of many talents. He was the first lndian to win a Nobel for literature. He was also painter who played an important role in modernising Bengali art.
Sri Lanka's national anthem is based on a Bengali song originally written Tagore in 1938.It was translated into Sinhalese and adopted as the national anthem in 1951.
Although Nobel Prize winning poet Tagore prioritized poetry, he also made notable contributions to literature. Himself as musician, painter, actor producer-director, education, patriot and social reformer. Referring to the variety and abundance of Tagore's creative out put.
Tagore played a leading role in Indiana cultural Renaissance and came to be recognized, along with Mohandas Gandhi, as one of the architects of modern India.
Tagore wrote in "My Life" an essay collected in lectures and Addresses, that he was born and brought up in an atmosphere of the confluence of three movements all of which were revolutionary ". The religious reform movement started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the literary revolution pineered by the Bengali novelist Bankimachandra. Members of the Tagore family had actively participated in all the three movement and Tagore's own work, in a broad senses, represented the culmination of this three pronged revolution.
The earliest influences that shaped Tagore poetic sensibility were the artistic environment of his home.
When Rabindranath was 12 years old, his father took him on a four month journey to the Punjab and the Himalayas. He wrote in his Reminiscence. Their first stop was at Bolpur, than an obscure rural retreat now internationally known as santiniketan, young Tagore wandered freely from one peak to another.
Among other influences, Tagore acknowledged three main source of his literary inspiration the vaishnava poets of medical Bengal and the Bangali folk literature, the classical Indian aesthetic, cultural and philosophical heritage; and the morden European literary tradition, particularly the work of English Romantic poets.
Tagore began writing poetry at a very early age and during his life time.dialogue poems, long narrative and descriptive works and prose poems.
The publication of Gitanjali was the most significant events in Tagore's writing career, for following the Volume's appearance, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 - the first such recognition of an Eastern writer.
Tagore dictated his last poem a few hours before his death on August 7 , 1941.Tagore's own work and thought represented a fusion of East and West the fate of his poem and dramas at the hands of later generation.
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